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S&S 92 Classic Round: It's An Evo, Sort Of!
By Robert Bane
Looking for something a little different to put in your bobber? Want S&S dependability but not the standard superstock look? The Classic 92 Round might be for you.
If you look on the S&S website or in their literature, you won't find the 92 Classic Round. Why? I think S&S is trying to forget them. This was the engine S&S designed and built for the now defunked Indian Motorcycle that went out of business at the beginning of the millenium. The 92 Classic round is now solely distributed by MC Advantages through a special agreement.
This is your basic S&S Super Stock engine, with a couple of differences. First, it has round jugs like a pan, knuck, or shovel, not the squared off ones of the evo era. Second, on the earlier versions of this motor, it had Indian stamped into the heads. Later versions either have no stamping or S&S stamped into them. Third, at the date of this writing, the IST ignition was not available.
Other than that, it's all S&S. It's built by S&S, assembled by S&S, to S&S specs just like any other Super Stock. I've ridden several, and it compares favorably with the S&S 96, only it looks a lot cooler. It comes in the standard black, natural, and polished finishes, and is priced about the same as a 96 at around $4600 (natural) at most places.
The only drawback to this motor is you can only get it from one distributor, although MC advantages is very reputable. The other concern is how long S&S will continue to make it and make spare parts for it, but again that is not huge concern either. S&S seems very good about stock their "legacy" parts for back to their very beginning, so I wouldn't expect that to change with these either.
And just like any other S&S motor, you can take it to any of the thousands of authorized dealers (including most Harley Davidson dealers) for warranty work.
Here are the important stats:
- S&S Chrome Die-Cast Rocker Boxes
- S&S billet oil pump
- S&S Flangless gear cover
- S&S Super E carburetor
- Available with Spyke AIS Ignition (stand alone) or Super Stock Ignition
- Available in black, polished, and natural finishes
- 3-7/8" bore x 3-7/8" Stroke
- 2 year Warranty
- Made and assembled in the USA
So if your looking for something a little different to put into your next bobber, the S&S 92 inch Classic Round might be just right for you.
S&S Cycle, Inc.
14025 County Hwy. G
Viola, Wisconsin 54664
Phone: 1-608-627-1497
Harley-style frames
Cool styling
S&S reliability and warranty
Only one distributor
Possible limited availability in the future
MC Advantages dealers
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